
Nigeria’s Economic Crisis Deepens: Tinubu’s Government Faces Mounting Fiscal Challenges

The fiscal health of Nigeria is in dire straits, and the signs are increasingly ominous. President Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s administration has found itself grappling with an economic quagmire, exacerbated by a significant hike in the national budget and spiralling debt service obligations. With the supplementary budget forwarded to the Senate, Nigeria’s 2024 budget is set to soar from N28.7 trillion to a staggering N34.9 trillion, raising serious questions about the sustainability of the country’s financial management practices.

President Bola Ahmed Tinubu

Budget Expansion and Debt Servicing Woes

The supplementary budget, amounting to N6.2 trillion, includes N3 trillion to cover recurrent expenditures and N3.2 trillion for capital expenditures (capex). This move, while aimed at addressing immediate financial needs, has sparked concerns about the government’s long-term fiscal strategy. In 2023, the Federal Government’s debt servicing bill reached N7.8 trillion, marking a 121 per cent increase from the N3.52 trillion spent in 2022. This dramatic rise in debt servicing costs underscores the extent to which Nigeria is living beyond its means.

According to the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), the Federal Government spent N1.31 trillion on debt servicing in the first quarter of 2024 alone, which equates to 74 per cent of its retained revenue of N1.76 trillion. These figures highlight a precarious financial situation where a significant portion of government revenue is being funnelled into debt repayment rather than development and public services.

Calls for Fiscal Prudence and Governance Reforms

Economists and policy analysts have been vocal in their criticism of the current fiscal trajectory, urging the Tinubu administration to adopt more prudent economic policies. There is a growing consensus that the government needs to reduce the cost of governance, which has been characterized by extravagant spending on luxuries such as new aircraft and other non-essential items. Additionally, there have been calls to eliminate questionable payments to lawmakers under the guise of constituency projects.

One of the key recommendations for fiscal reform is the implementation of the Steve Oronsaye report, which advocates for the restructuring and rationalization of Ministries, Departments, and Agencies (MDAs). The report suggests that merging redundant agencies and cutting down on administrative overheads could save the government substantial amounts of money.

Focus on Domestic Refining and Reducing Borrowings

Another critical area that the Tinubu administration is being urged to focus on is the domestic refining of crude oil. Nigeria, despite being one of the largest oil producers in Africa, has struggled with inadequate refining capacity, leading to heavy reliance on imported refined petroleum products. By investing in domestic refining, the government could not only reduce its foreign exchange expenditures but also create jobs and boost local industries.

Furthermore, there is a pressing need to place a moratorium on new borrowings. Nigeria’s debt burden has reached alarming levels, and without a significant change in borrowing practices, the country risks plunging deeper into a debt trap. The government needs to devise pragmatic strategies to control inflation and shore up the value of the naira. Addressing security challenges is also crucial, as food inflation is partly driven by widespread insecurity that hampers agricultural productivity.

Tax Reforms and Private Sector Boost

President Tinubu has expressed his intent to implement tax reforms aimed at boosting the private sector. However, the proposal to levy a new 50 per cent tax on banks’ forex profits to fund the N3 trillion deficit has been met with scepticism. Critics argue that this move is contradictory to the President’s pledge to reduce tax burdens and could potentially stifle financial sector growth.

To mitigate the adverse effects of economic adjustments, there have been suggestions to offer tax reliefs to higher cadre workers. This approach could help cushion the impact of rising living costs and support consumer spending, which is vital for economic stability.

The Need for Pragmatic and Sustainable Solutions

The economic challenges facing Nigeria are complex and multifaceted, requiring a comprehensive and pragmatic approach. President Tinubu’s administration must prioritize sustainable economic policies that balance fiscal discipline with developmental needs. Reducing the cost of governance, enhancing domestic production capacities, and implementing meaningful tax reforms are critical steps toward achieving economic stability.

Moreover, addressing the root causes of insecurity is essential for fostering a conducive environment for economic growth. The government must take concrete actions to improve security across the country, which in turn would enhance agricultural productivity and help control food inflation.

Public Reaction and Political Implications

The public reaction to the government’s handling of the economy has been mixed. While some acknowledge the challenges inherited by the Tinubu administration, others are frustrated by the perceived lack of effective solutions. There is a growing demand for transparency and accountability in government spending, as well as greater engagement with stakeholders to develop policies that reflect the needs and aspirations of ordinary Nigerians.

Politically, the economic situation presents both risks and opportunities for President Tinubu. Successfully navigating these challenges could bolster his administration’s credibility and strengthen public support. Conversely, failure to address the fiscal crisis could lead to increased political opposition and social unrest.


Nigeria stands at a critical juncture, with its economic future hanging in the balance. The decisions made by the Tinubu administration in the coming months will have far-reaching implications for the country’s fiscal health and overall development. It is imperative that the government adopts a holistic approach to economic management, prioritizing fiscal prudence, structural reforms, and sustainable growth strategies. By doing so, Nigeria can chart a course toward a more stable and prosperous future, ensuring that the benefits of economic progress are broadly shared across all segments of society.

As the nation watches closely, the onus is on President Tinubu and his team to rise to the occasion, demonstrating the leadership and vision needed to steer Nigeria through these turbulent times. The path ahead is undoubtedly challenging, but with determined and decisive action, it is possible to turn the tide and set the stage for a brighter economic future.

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