
MORALS: Do you need throwing the baby out with the bath water?

If you throw the baby away or out with the bath water, it means you lose the good parts of something as well as the bad parts, because you reject it as a whole instead of just removing what is bad. This attitude is common to many nowadays; one of the many reasons could be the way we were brought up as a child. 

Speaking on one’s attitude and emotions towards others, their activities and perseverance to natural life phenomena you will agree with me that many of us called a human being used to throw the baby out with the bath water.

Education should have been the foundation of all knowledge but today our educational system had fallen to the extent that one keeps wondering if the kind of education our fathers and mothers head in the 60s is different from what our school taught today.

You will agree with me that we were taught that, “education starts from home”, do I hear you say, yes? If that is correct where do you and I first learn how to perceive information, how to react to it and ways of accepting or rejecting it? You also agree with me that it’s through the ways our intimate family members behaved, and what we see doing day in, and day out are our first believed ways of life and best practices until when someone stands against such behaviour or attitude. 

Often we hear minors committing crimes, which one couldn’t imagine, could have come at such ages. Lies are one of the most common elements of young child’s habits. Who taught these children to lie? We almost can’t find any genuine answer to the famous characters of our younger ones. But if you ask me, I will emphatically say the environment where the child herald from is responsible.

Mention any household who hardly quarrel with one and others, or any being who had never got up from his structure emotionally. Most of our actions when we got angry or felt oppressed by others were later realized to have been overreactions or that our rebellious action surpasses the weight of what caused it. And when we later found ourselves in such a situation, the subject matter comes to play, “no matter what? We should not throw the baby out with the bath water!”


If the above scenario is concurred with, it is better to put it that our parents are the true teacher of our ways of life, and parents have very significant roles to play in the way we speak, perceive, understand, and react to issues as a child and when nothing is done about it, as a man or woman. To corroborate this, I will like to sight the work of Dr Diana Divecha in one of her articles titled, “Can a Pregnant Woman’s Experience Influence Her Baby’s Temperament?” the work was published on 8 October 2018, on a website, "Developmental”, Dr Diana scientifically proved that, “pregnant women's high levels of anxiety are correlated with later problems in children, including a difficult temperament, behavioural and emotional problems, anxiety, problems with attention regulation, impulsivity and hyperactivity, immune functioning and autoimmune disease, cognitive problems, and stress”. 

Also, gathered from the National Library of Medicine“that when fathers provide a positive male role model for their children, this behaviour helps to promote and reinforce good behaviours of the children. As a result, children with more involved fathers tend to have fewer behavioural and impulse control problems, longer attention spans and a higher level of sociability”.

When children are badly brought up society and the life around them surfers, - physically, morally, and emotionally. Many of the problems our society faced today are the result of parental neglect and lackadaisical attitude of parents towards their children right from the infant age.

Being a listening Dad is a sine qua non to building a good family and upbringing responsible children. Dads should remind children of the consequences of their actions and positively acknowledge desirable behaviour. Fathers who discipline calmly and fairly show love for their children. I want to leave this message for both parents, “try to be your child’s role model”, and whether they realize it or not, fathers are role models to their kids.

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