Rajab (Arabic: رَجَب) is the seventh (7th) month of the Islamic calendar. The philological definition of the orthodox Arabic verb Rajaba means "to respect".
It should be noted that in Islam
there is no innovative fasting. However, there is no genuine report on fasting
in the month of Rajab, Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) told
Muslims to fast in the four sacred months. According to the narration of Abu
Dawood, he said, “the Prophet (PBUH) repeated himself three times that “Muslims
to fast in the four sacred months (i.e. Dhul-Qi`dah, Dhul-Hijjah, Muharram, and
Rajab)”. Therefore, Muslims are generally recommended to observe fasting in
these sacred months, and Rajab is one of them. This accounts for reasons most
of the first-generation Muslims fasted during Rajab.
There is no particular day or days to fast in Rajab, but days 13, 14 and 15 are significant because It is reported that the Prophet (PBUH) said, “[For] whoever fasts on three days of every month [the 13th, 14th, and 15th of every lunar month], it will be as if they have fasted for the entire year.” An exception to this is the 13th day of Dhul-Hijjah because this day is one of the Tashreeq Days (i.e. the three days (11, 12 and 13) that succeed the day of Eid Al Adha, the 10th day of the Islamic month of Dhu Al-Hijjah) during which fasting is forbidden. It is reported in Sahih Muslim (authentic book of Muslims) that the Prophet (PBUH) said, “The days of Mina are days of eating and drinking (lawful drinks) and remembering Allah.”
This year's Rajab 13, 14 15 falls on the 4, 5 and 6 of February 2023.
Muslims around the world also
observe fasting on the 27th day of Rajab thinking that it is the day that followed
the night of Al-Israa' and Al-Mi`raj. Some people would fast on
that day as a symbol of gratitude and thankfulness to Allah for the blessing
of Al-Israa' and Al-Mi`raj. There is no
evidence to support the saying that it happened on the 27th of Rajab. Even if the 27th
of Rajab is the day of Al-Israa' and Al-Mi`raj, there is no way to say that we
have to fast that day, since we cannot innovate fasting on our own without
having evidence from the sources of Shari`ah supporting it.
The Al-Mi’raj was the spiritual journey where the Holy Prophet (PBUH) was shown the heavens, met with previous prophets and was eventually presented before the royal court of Allah. While the Al-Israa’ is the name of the spiritual journey where the Holy Prophet (PBUH) was taken from Mecca to Jerusalem.
Fasting or not in the month of
Rajab it is recommended for all Muslims to do these supplications and dua:
Imam Ja`far al-Sadiq (as) has
reported the Holy Prophet (PBUH) as saying: Rajab is the month of imploring for
forgiveness for my people; so, you should implore forgiveness repeatedly as
below in this month much more than you do in other months.
- 1. . أَسْتَغْفِرُ اللّه وَأَسْأَلُهُ التّوْبَة
astaghfiru allaha wa as'aluhu alttawbata (I ask Allah for forgiveness and I pray to Him to accept my repentance).
- 2. سُبْحَانَ الإِلٰهِ ٱلْجَلِيلِ
subhana al-ilahi
aljalili (Glory be to the All-majestic God).
- 3. سُبْحَانَ مَنْ لا يَنْبَغِي ٱلتَّسْبِيحُ إِلاَّ لَهُ
subhana man la
yanbaghi alttasbihu illa lahu (Glory be to Him other than Whom none should be
- 4. سُبْحَانَ ٱلاعَزِّ ٱلاكْرَمِ
al-a`azzi al-akrami (Glory be to the All-honorable and All-dignified).
- 5. سُبْحَانَ مَنْ لَبِسَ ٱلْعِزَّ وَهُوَ لَهُ اهْلٌ
subhana man
labisa al`izza wa huwa lahu ahlun (Glory be to Him Who has dressed Himself with
grandeur that fits none but Him).
- 6. And any other Dua.
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