
You're Not Destined to be Poor

Never should you think that you can never make it in life. If anyone is whispering this to you, tell him Never. Believe me you can change your status from being poor to been a super rich person.

Let me paint the scenarios about riches and Poverty!

Here it goes:

Everyone used to worry why some are rich and some others are poor or finding it difficult to make ends meet.

God created us all, we are all human with blood running in our veins. The size of our brain might not be different, but the way we use it is never similar.

Where you were born or the environment you live, are some of the factors that contribute to ones success in life.

You might be one of those that never belief in destiny or God Program on man. But want thing is clear to us all, that man can make success through help of others.

If you are not ready to bend your rules you might not make it in life. Think deep! What are those things you are running away from, but you saw others who stood their ground making it through and succeed.

Business is full of risk. That is why it's sometimes referred to as "Ventures". What about life. Is it not risky?

Sleeping is a journey everyone dears to embarked on daily, no matter how short it might be one has to sleep. And failure to do so warrants health issue or psychology effect.

It is a biblical believe that, "those who are successful don't sleep during the night". Mighty businesses are concluded in the night, not in the day. Think it right.

Also, have you taught of drinking water or eating food as been risky as doing business? Life is full of risk. Why are you running away from your shadows?

Do you know rich people a into many risks and many of them even failed times without number, over and over, without quitting - they sometimes cry in silence, with no one to curdle them or indemnify their loss. The struggle continues is their usual slogan. The poor are one referred to as "Lazy man". Why is this so?

It is because he (the lazy man) sees fault in everything he does, he saw risk before doing any business; he wants loan without collateral, he wants to earn big without pains, he wants to get 100% security return with empty pocket, he always wants to have the best time to sleep, the best safe job and best pay.

Please tell him, if you know him, that he can not have it, so cheap!

To be frank, God did not create anything for free use. Do I hear you say what about oxygen, water and even life?

Let me also, ask you;

Is oxygen free as you may thought?
No it isn't. The day every child starts breathing in oxygen and execrating carbon dioxide, his or her life Spans started depreciating. Am I lying? And you said Oxygen is free!

Water is free, but why are you paying to get a safe and hygienic one to drink? And also I want to tell you that life is the most expensive thing on earth. You can never buy one if you are dying I don't want to know how rich you may be. But if you take to some precautions and followed some godly principles you can live it long.

To make Heaven is not free, like wise making hell is equally not free. You work for either of it.

Wake-up, think right, make that decision today. Think of where you want to stand to be successful. Or you want remain in the club of those blaming the government or your friends, or blaming your parents, your church, your mosque, or blaming your extended family, your spouse, your school or blame it on your certificate! Have a rethink, think of what you can produce or the service you can render in different way to make you an IMPORTANT brand among the realm.

Are still saying where is the time and money? Yes, I equally know money and time are key factors in starting a business, but if you did not think it right you are yet to start.

Do you thing God is the One who created money? If that is the truth, then you and I will pray God and He'll give us money. Have you forgotten that God always answers our prayers. But each time you pray for money, did He give you any? Yes! He will not, rather you get His favour in other dimension. Is favour, same as money? Do the thinking by yourself.

Many had been favoured because of their attitude and instincts the favour never materialised into riches. So God is not to be blamed. Never, should you blame God.

To be rich do the following:

1. Work on your attitude. Your attitude determines your altitude.

2. Set your Goal for money. Goal setting is kin in wealth creation. You must know why you need money and for what important is your needs.

3. Set your limit for money. Limit setting is a must. It will control your thrill for money. Failure to set it can drive you into trouble. Before you start saying the spirit of money can make you do anything for money. Money has no spirit. Just try to  control your thrill for money or simply put don't be greedy when you think of money.

4. Double your strength for honesty. When you are less greedy and work with honesty, soon you will get to the peak of success. It is honesty that begot contention. Be contented, Stay focused, and stand for the truth.

5. Love what you do and be humble. Most business failed to survive because the owners, do the business for the love of money and or did not honour any contract and did not keep track of its customers. When you fail to honour the right of customers, you have begin to fail as business operator.

6. Be faithful to God. The world is full of many supernatural being ranging from man and spirits. Give thanks to God for what he has done and the expected ones. Never be too big to appreciate both God and man.

Doing these you are on the lane to accomplishment.

Train your subjects and children to be humble hardworking and always go for best of everything. This will help you send poverty out of you way and that of you generation.

Remember, the first friend of poverty is laziness. We must train our children not to be lazy.

The rich are engaged with so many things which in turns fetching them huge income. If you are selling one brand of product or service that will determine the size of your income.

If you are into scam or theft. You will not enjoy it for long. Once you are caught, you will rot in jail. You too know the truth. The only job you can do to smile, live and enjoy for ever must be legit. While doing your legit business, be careful and don't be gullible.

Wealth Creation is next to life. Search and create it with honesty.

Thank you for watching and listening.

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