
Be calm, don't worry

What makes you worried or sad? the struggle of life needs no worry. you have to be strong and determine to win.

you can never win, if you are sad or your heart is full of worries.

get up at once, take a work down the valley, keep jugging down the road, let the rotten leaves sound, let the birds fly, arose the light in you, run and run. I say run again and keep running.

can you see, sadness is trying to kill the life in you. you don't need to kill yourself for the unknown abstracts. rejoice and keep yourself alive. life is good.

money us the only resources to keep man lively, you need not kill yourself for not having it. do you ever know you can make it if you keep trying and working harder day by day all along. come on! Rome was not built in a day.

Now take the race slowly, you are almost there. No one will kill himself and later wake up to enjoy life. work harder to earn sustainable income. never ever doubt what the future have for you, be strong and keep the ball rolling.

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