
Ogun CP Pledge Hitch-Free Xmas Celebration Devoid of Armed Robbery, Kidnapping, etc.

Police authorities in Ogun State have assured residents of a hitch-free Yuletide celebration, devoid of any incidence having to do with armed robbery attack and kidnappings.

The Command says it has put in place a robust security arrangement in order to ensure hitch free Xmas and New year celebration.

In a press statement signed by the Police Public Relations Officer in the state, DSP Abimbola Oyeyemi, the state Police Commissioner, Edward Awolowo Ajogun, assured that residents can now afford to sleep with two eyes closed.

Ajogun disclosed that already, large scale and elaborate tactical as well as covert Policemen have been strategically deployed the across the length and breadth of the state with a clear mandate of ensuring crime-free Xmas and New year celebration.

Operatives of the Special units such as Police Mobile Force(PMF), Tactical Response and Intelligence units; Anti Kidnapping and Cultism sections, have also been deployed to nip in the bud any violent crime that may want to rear its ugly head. 

The police also said 24 hours surveillance patrols round the clock have also been ordered around the various worship as well as event/recreation centers across the State.

Also, members of the public were similarly reminded that the law banning the use of fireworks is still in force and anybody caught selling or throwing any type of fireworks will be made to feel the full weight of the law.

The Commissioner of Police, while felicitating with Christian faithfuls and the good people of Ogun State, enjoined them to reflect on the reasons for the Xmas and New Year celebration and be good ambassadors of Christ by ensuring peace reigns at all times.  

He also appealed to members of the public to alert the Police whenever and wherever they noticed any strange/suspicious faces, gathering or movement in their domain in order to assist the security agencies to perform their duties to the optimal level, as security is everybody’s business.

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