
How to Check Your NIN via USSD (using your phone)

National Identification Number (NIN) is a sole service provided by the National Identity Management Centre (NIMC) in Nigeria upon an individual National Identity card data enrollment.

To check your NIN via you phone normally will cost you N20 per retrieval.

The following steps are required, please note:

1. On your mobile phone dial *346# (it must be the registered phone number with NIMC)

2. In the prompted message displayed on your phone do one of the following - dial 1 to retrieve you NIN or dial 2 to Cancel the operation.

3. A message containing your NIN will display on your phone copy it, keep it safe for personal use.

How to register for National ID Card or NIN?

Visit any NIMC office near you and apply for your National Identity Card. See list of NIMC offices near you.

USSD - Unstructured Supplementary Service Data, is a communication service controlled by mobile network operators.

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